Wondering about what the best time to Tweet or blog is? Dan Zarrella from Hubspot held a webinar called “The Science of Timing” at 1 PM today. Zarrella shared with the audience tons of different facts about the timing of tweets, Facebook updates, emails, and blogs. With about 24,000 people listening in, his webinar is sure to change the face of marketing, but we’re here to show you some of the facts in case you missed it!


ReTweets are highest during the daytime, not at night.

The hours of 2-5 PM yields the most ReTweets.

Late in the day (5 PM) and late in the week is the best time for ReTweets.

Since 80% of the US population lives in the Central and Eastern Standard Time Zones, this 2-5 PM period applies to most people.

Click-Through Rates

Tweeting 13-30 times a day is ideal for lots of followers.

People who Tweet about 22 times a day have the most followers, so don’t worry if you’re Tweeting too much.

TIP: You can Tweet out the same blog post or link a few times in one day, but make sure to do it differently every time. Once you might include a pull line, then maybe you can Tweet @ someone who might be interested.

If you Tweet links from the same site several times in one hour, people will not be interested. But if you Tweet different links from different sites, your followers won’t mind reading all of them.

Facebook Sharing

Weekends are the best for Facebook sharing.

Try to post only once a day or every other day on Facebook. Your friends’ news feeds are a lot easier to flood than they are on Twitter.

Most people read posts from around 11 AM on Facebook.

The next best times to post are around 2 AM (yes, AM!), 5 AM, and 7 PM.

Don’t be afraid to post at weird hours of the night (i.e. 2 AM).


80% of people do not have separate personal and business email accounts.

6 AM yields the most bounces.

Saturday and Sunday emails have an open rate of about 42%, and rates are best on emails sent between 5 and 7 AM.

Unsubscribe rate is about .7% at the first of the month and dips to 2% after the 8th of the month.

About 97% of people read their email in the morning, and about 95% read it in the afternoon, but only about 70% read it at night.

Abuse reports are highest on Saturday and Sunday, especially at about 6 AM.


80% of blog-readers do so in the morning.

60% read blogs in the afternoon.

50% read blogs in the evening.

40% read blogs at night.

60% of men, as opposed to 50% of women read blogs in the evening, so make sure to watch your audience.

The highest rate of views is on Monday, with an average of 130.

Views dip on Tuesday.

Views stay at a steady 120 average from Wednesday to Friday.

The average is the lowest, about 80 views, on Saturday and Sunday.

10-11 AM yields the most blog views, with an average of 190.

The least blog views occur at 5 AM, with an average of 65.

However, comments are highest on Saturday (average 5-6) and Sunday (average 4).

Comments dip to about 2 from Monday to Friday.

Great webinar by Dan Zarrella from Hubspot! With 33,000 followers on Twitter, he knows what he’s talking about. We look forward to his next webinar, but until then, we’ll be sending some 2 AM Sunday morning emails!

What do you think about Zarrella’s statistics from “The Science of Timing?”