Horses in the McDonald’s drive-thru line (via

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past 24 hours, you’ve heard the big news that the royal baby was born yesterday. What you may not have heard was the other big news story in the UK: a woman brought her horse into a McDonald’s, where it proceeded to do what horses do and relieve itself on the fast food restaurant’s floor.

The woman and her daughter rode their horse and pony to the McDonald’s in Whitefield, England, on Saturday. After a drive-thru employee refused to serve them on horseback, the woman walked her horse into the building, where it laid a smelly surprise for the other patrons and employees. A worker called the police and the woman was fined for her stunt.

The Greater Manchester Police noted, “The sight & smell of this caused obvious distress and upset to customers trying to eat, as well as staff members.”

The most shocking thing about this entire ordeal, however, may have been that it managed to top news of Kate Middleton going into labor yesterday morning:

The news remained in the number two spot even after the royal baby’s birth:



















Next time you consider riding your horse to McDonald’s, think again. According to their company policy: “The health and safety of our customers and staff is our top priority, and for this reason we are unable to serve pedestrians, bicycle riders or customers on horseback through the drive-thru.”

I’m no expert on English customs, but given the media attention this horsewoman generated, riding a stallion to get your Big Mac fix doesn’t seem to be the norm. Was this a premeditated publicity stunt to steal the limelight from Kate Middleton? Possibly.

Unfortunately for the horseback duo, the #RoyalBaby has rightfully taken the media lead; he had over 2 million mentions on Twitter yesterday.