There’s not a person in the world who doesn’t love brunch. But you know who loves it the most? Ladies. Chicks. Gals. Women. Whatever you call us, we’re obsessed with brunch.

Yes, gentlemen enjoy a good brunch now and again. But let’s face it: You’re more likely to see packs of ladies chirping over eggs and French toast than a bunch of dudes. But why?

Well, as a lady, I guess I am qualified to speak on this topic. Here are five reasons why I love brunch:

It’s an excuse to eat…a lot. After binging on vodka sodas all night at Dillon’s, and then scarfing down pizza at 2 a.m., the last thing I can justify eating is a whipped cream-loaded stack of French toast. But, if all your girlfriends are doing it, it’s OK, right? Right. In fact, I’m very wary who I go to brunch with just for that fact. One time I racked up a $27 bill on food alone at brunch. Classy, I know.

It’s an excuse to day drink. For guys, it’s much more acceptable to sit inside on your couches, flip on ESPN, and crack open a six-pack of Sam Adams. While my apartment likes sports as much as the next girls, we would never, ever do that in the middle of the day. But heading to Stephanie’s on Newbury, ordering a few rounds of mimosas (Bloodys are gross), and getting your buzz going at noon on a Sunday is A-OK.

It’s an extension of the weekend. I hate Sundays. I get depressed that the weekends are coming to a close, and anxious for all the upcoming work I have to do in the next week. But if you get the ladies together, and turn brunch into a Sunday Funday of eggs, mimosas, manicures, shopping and sometimes more mimosas, the end to the weekend doesn’t seem half bad.

It’s a chance to rehash. The night before inevitably got silly. You may have somehow ended up in Chinatown, feasting on late night dumplings . Or you may have texted your ex-boyfriend that the song playing reminds you of him. Or maybe you lost your credit card, phone and keys and need someone to laugh about it with. (Side note: None of the above has ever happened to me).

Sure, you can call all your girlfriends to retell the war stories, but that would take all day, and you’d have to repeat yourself, like, 100 times. Plus, mimosas make the embarrassment sting a little less. (Do you see a pattern here?)

You can pretend you’re on a TV show. I hate to make the obvious Sex and the City reference here, but it has to be done. You can dress up, order something fancy (wtf is hollandaise sauce, anyways?), and scold your friend Samantha for getting too rowdy with the dude she just met last night. On Monday, you’re back to the reality of your tiny apartment, grinding job and discount clothes, but at brunch, you can be Carrie Bradshaw.

And there’s something special about that. So, see you at the Friendly Toast this weekend.

So, do you chicks really love brunch more than guys? Or am I just biased? Let us know in the comments!