Long a student of the game, former Georgetown star Jeff Green made his college graduation an off-season priority after leaving a year early for the NBA lottery. It would all pay off in 2012, when he walked across the Healy Lawn stage to shake his dean’s hand, just as he did with commissioner David Stern at Madison Square Garden in 2008.

According to his personal Twitter account, his Georgetown diploma finally came yesterday:

Note how the English major corrects his spelling immediately. Good on you, Jeff. But why, exactly, it took Green so long — over a year, before it was all said and done — to have his diploma sent to him is unclear.

I can attest to the fact that the Georgetown bureaucracy isn’t exactly a beacon of efficiency, but that kind of delay is certainly strange, to say the least. Don’t you just get your diploma at graduation…?  If not, then I’d argue that Green, who’s been with the Boston Celtics since 2011, shouldn’t have been nearly that hard to find.

In any case, Green’s not the only former Hoya who’s put in the time during the summer break to work toward his degree.

In fact, Detroit Pistons center Greg Monroe, who first returned to Georgetown after his rookie season in 2011, was on campus this week, walking the halls of the school’s Intercultural Center. (I would have taken a picture as evidence when I passed him on my way out of class, but I really didn’t feel like stooping to that level.)

Monroe left the Hilltop after his sophomore year, but he still may only have to put in the same number of credit hours as his predecessor did to graduate: Green had originally declared a sociology before switching to English during one of the past few summers.

As the above tweets make clear, though, that long and winding road looks to have been well worth the trouble.