It seems that every week we cover or come across a new startup in Austin who we think is going to kill it. It’s hard to list all the promising companies in one place. Heck, we gave it a shot with just 16 about a month ago and it was tough cutting it down to that.

Well, we’re going to go ahead and let you decide for us this time. Today, we’re kicking off Tech Madness where readers get to submit companies that will be whittled down, NCAA tournament bracket-style, to determine who our readers think will be the most valuable in 5 years’ time.

Before we get to the voting, we need you to help us pick the Austin-based tech companies, from startups to anchors, that we should include among the starting 64. Click here and fill out the form, to nominate the company you think most deserves a slot in the bracket.

We will seed the “teams” based on a variety of factors including how much capital they’ve raised and you can view the Tech Madness bracket from last year at our sister publication in Chicago for a primer on the rules.

So, click here and fill out the form to nominate the company you think most deserves a slot in the bracket. 

We’ll be taking nominations until Friday February 12th, and we’ll reveal the finalists on February 17th. We’re going to be hosting a kickoff event in early March, so stay tuned.